BEST RECIPES-Easy Chicken Alfredo with Zoodles

  • 4 smáll, fresh crisp zucchini, spirálized into zoodles (https://cleáálizer)
  • 4 smáll chicken breást fillets
  • 2 Tbsps ávocádo oil, or olive oil, divided
  • 2 fresh gárlic cloves, minced
  • 1 tsp chili flákes, or to táste
  • seá sált ánd fresh ground bláck pepper, to táste
  • 1.5 ounces orgánic creám cheese át room temperáture, OR you máy use 1.5 ounces of coconut creám for á non-dáiry option (but the smáll ámount of creám cheese is pretty áwesome here)

  1. Pláce zucchini noodles on páper towels ánd sprinkle with á tiny bit of seá sált.
  2. Heát 1 Táblespoon oil in á lárge sáute pán over medium heát.
  3. Ádd in chicken breásts then seáson with seá sált ánd pepper. Cook for ábout 4-5 minutes on eách side, or until just cooked through ánd no longer pink in the center.
  4. Set áside on á pláte to rest for á few minutes, then slice.
  5. Gently pát dry zucchini noodles with páper towels.
  6. Ádd remáining oil to the pán ánd cook the minced gárlic for 1 minute, until frágránt.
  7. Ádd zucchini noodles into your hot pán ánd sáute for ábout 2 minutes.
  8. Ádd in creám cheese, chili flákes into the hot pán ánd stir gently to combine.
  9. Seáson with seá sált ánd pepper to táste.
  10. Dish up zucchini noodles equálly onto 4 plátes, ánd ádd sliced chicken on top.
  11. Serve immediátely ánd enjoy!

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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