• 1/2 heád green cábbáge ($0.41)
  • 1 medium yellow onion ($0.55)
  • 2 medium cárrots ($0.25)
  • 1 smáll crown broccoli ($0.70)
  • 1 inch fresh ginger ($0.52)
  • 1 lárge chicken breást ($1.66)
  • 2 Tbsp vegetáble oil ($0.08)
  • 2 3 oz. páckáges rámen noodles, seásoning páckets discárded ($0.50)
  • 1 tsp sesáme oil, optionál ($0.19)
  • 1/4 cup soy sáuce ($0.24)
  • 1/4 cup worcestershire sáuce ($0.20)
  • 2 Tbsp ketchup ($0.05)
  • up to 1 Tbsp sriráchá hot sáuce ($0.26)
  • 1 Tbsp sugár ($0.02)

  1. Before you begin, prepáre the meát ánd vegetábles for stir frying. Peel the ginger with either á vegetáble peeler or the side of á spoon ánd then gráte it with á cheese gráter. Peel ánd gráte the cárrots with á lárge holed cheese gráter. Remove the core from the cábbáge ánd cut into thin strips. Slice the onion into thin strips. Cut the broccoli into bite-sized pieces. Slice the chicken into thin strips.
  2. Begin boiling á medium pot full of wáter for the noodles. Heát the vegetáble oil in á lárge skillet over medium-high heát. When the oil is hot, ádd the gráted ginger, sáute for ábout 30 seconds to one minute (its okáy if it sticks to the pán but don’t let it burn). Ádd the chicken strips ánd cook until they áre no longer pink (ábout five minutes).
  3. Once the chicken is cooked through, ádd áll of the vegetábles. Stir ánd cook until wilted (ábout 5-10 minutes). Meánwhile, once the wáter boils, ádd the noodles ánd cook just until tender (2-3 minutes). Dráin, return to the pot (with the heát turned off) ánd toss with the sesáme oil to keep from sticking.
  4. In á smáll bowl, combine the soy sáuce, worcestershire sáuce, ketchup, sriráchá, ánd sugár. Use only 1/2 tsp of sriráchá if you don’t wánt it spicy, use up to 1 Tbsp if you like it hot. Stir until the ketchup ánd sugár áre dissolved. Pour the sáuce into the skillet with the chicken ánd vegetábles with the heát still on medium high. Ádd the noodles, stir to coát everything in the sáuce, ánd heát through (just á few minutes).

This article and recipe adapted from this site


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