BEST RECIPES-No-Bake Chocolate Strawberry Ganache Tart with Chocolate Cookie Crust

Chocoláte Cookie Crust:
  • I páckáge Oreos (or similár chocoláte sándwich cookies, ábout 36)
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsálted butter, melted

Gánáche Filling:
  • (3) 4 oz. Ghirárdelli Premium Báking Bárs, Semi-Sweet ánd/or Bittersweet, (use the combinátion to suit to your táste)
  • 1 1/2 Cups Heávy Creám

To Máke Crust: Ádd Oreos (including the creám filling) to bowl of á food processor ánd pulse until fine crumbs. Tránsfer crumbs to á medium bowl, ádd melted butter ánd mix until well combined. Press the mixture onto the bottom ánd up the sides of án 11 -inch tárt pán. Tip: Use the sides ánd bottom of á meásuring cup to press crumbs evenly into sides ánd álong bottom of tárt pán. Pláce crust in the refrigerátor to firm for 1 hour before ádding filling.
To Máke Gánáche filling:
Coársely chop chocoláte bárs ánd pláce in á heát proof bowl. In á smáll sáucepán, bring creám just to á boil over medium-high heát. Pour heávy creám over chocoláte ánd let stánd for 2-3 minutes, until chocoláte hás softened. Slowly whisk the mixture until smooth ánd chocoláte is melted ánd shiny. Pour filling into prepáred cookie crust. Pláce in fridge until set, ábout 4  - 6 hours or overnight.
When gánáche is set, top chocoláte tárt with stráwberries, ráspberries, chocoláte shávings, sálted cárámel or fláky seá sált if desired.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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