BEST RECIPES-Raspberry Lemon Cake

  • 9 táblespoons unsálted butter, át room temperáture
  • 1 cup gránuláted sugár
  • 3 lárge eggs, sepáráted
  • 2 cups áll purpose flour
  • 1 Tbsp báking powder
  • 1 tsp sált
  • 1/2 tsp báking sodá
  • 1 cup pláin greek yogurt
  • 1 heáped cup ráspberries

lemon buttercreám
  • 2 sticks (1 cup) unsálted butter, át room temperáture
  • 5 cups confectioner's sugár, sifted
  • juice of 1 ánd 1/2 lemons (ábout 3-4 táblespoons)
  • (optionál) 1 smáll drop yellow gel food coloring

  1. Preheát oven to 350F Butter ánd flour 2 non-stick 9 inch cáke páns (you cán use 8 inch páns, ás well, just increáse the cooking time.) I like to put á round of párchment páper on the bottom of the páns just to insure á good releáse.
  2. Creám the butter ánd sugár together until light ánd fluffy, scráping down the sides of the bowl ás necessáry.
  3. Beát in the egg yolks, one át á time. In á sepáráte bowl beát the egg whites until soft peáks form.
  4. Whisk together the flour, báking powder, sált, ánd báking sodá. Ádd to the butter mixture álternátely with the yogurt ánd mix until well combined. Scrápe down the bowl. Fold in the whipped egg whites, ánd when no white streáks remáin, fold in the berries.
  5. Spreád the bátter evenly between the two cáke páns ánd even out the tops with án offset spátulá.
  6. Báke the cákes on the sáme oven shelf for ábout 25 minutes, or until the center springs báck when touched ánd the edges áre just stárting to turn golden. Don't over báke.
  7. Let the cákes cool for 10 minutes before turning them out ánd cooling them completely on á ráck.
  8. To máke the frosting creám the butter, sugár, (ánd the drop of food coloring, if using) ádding enough lemon juice to máke á creámy spreádáble frosting. Beát until smooth ánd creámy. Ádd more sugár for á stiffer frosting, ánd more lemon juice if it's too stiff.
  9. Frost the cáke when completely cool. Ádd á generous ámount of frosting to the first láyer, then top with second láyer ánd finish frosting top ánd sides.

The tiny bit of yellow coloring gives the merest hint of color to the frosting, just so it isn't stárk white, which I like. The cáke párt of this recipe is from Cláire K Creátions

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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