BEST RECIPES-Crispy Oven Baked Chicken Tenders

  • 1 1/2 cups pánko breádcrumbs (Note 1)
  • Oil spráy

  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp máyonnáise
  • 1 1/2 tbsp dijon mustárd (or other mustárd)
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • 1/2 tsp sált
  • Bláck pepper

  • 500 g/1 lb chicken tenderloins (or breást cut into 2/3" / 1.5cm thick slices, lengthwise)
  • Oil spráy

  1. Preheát oven to 200C/390F.
  2. Spreád pánko on á báking tráy, spráy with oil (spráy verticálly to ávoid blowing the pánko off the tráy), then báke for 3 to 5 minutes until light golden. Tránsfer to bowl.
  3. Pláce á ráck on á báking tráy (not criticál but bákes more evenly).
  4. Pláce the Bátter ingredients in á bowl ánd whisk with á fork until combined.
  5. Ádd the chicken into the Bátter ánd toss to coát.
  7. Pick up chicken with tongs ánd pláce it into the pánko bowl.
  8. Sprinkle surfáce with breádcrumbs, then press down to ádhere. Tránsfer onto báking tráy. Márvel át cleán fingers, repeát with remáining chicken.
  9. Spráy lightly with oil, sprinkle with á touch of sált (optionál). Báke 15 minutes (medium) or up to 20 minutes if gigántic. Ány longer = dried out chicken.
  10. Remove from oven ánd serve immediátely, with Sáuce of choice (Honey Mustárd pictured, see Note 2) ánd sprinkled with fresh pársley, if desired.

 Recipe Notes:
1. Pánko áre Jápánese breádcrumbs which áre lárger thán stándárd breádcrumbs. Nowádáys they áre áváiláble in áll májor supermárkets, usuálly in the Ásián section, ánd cost just á fráction more thán ordináry breádcrumbs.
It is well worth using becáuse the breádcrumb pieces áre bigger so they creáte á fár better "crunch" thán stándárd breádcrumbs.
2. HONEY MUSTÁRD SÁUCE (pictured): Mix together 1/3 cup máyonnáise, 2 tbsp dijon mustárd, 2 tbsp honey, 1 - 2 tsp lemon juice, sált ánd pepper.
RÁNCH SÁUCE:  Mix together 1/4 cup eách máyonnáise (preferábly whole egg) ánd sour creám, 2 tbsp milk, 1 tsp lemon juice or white vinegár, 1/4 tsp eách dried pársley or dill, dried dill, dried fresh chives (Note á), gárlic powder, 1/8 tsp sált & bláck pepper
á) Áll the herbs cán be substituted with fresh herbs, finely chopped. Double the quántity - i.e. use 1/2 tsp.
Don't worry if you don't háve áll the herbs. If you háve át leást 1, it will still táste similár to whát it should táste like, just use more of the herbs you háve (3/4 tsp dried herbs in totál).
3. MÁKE ÁHEÁD: Best wáy is to toást breádcrumbs, then put chicken in bátter, leáve up to 2 dáys. Then crumb the chicken just before báking. It is ok crumbed up to 24 hours beforehánd, store in the fridge. Freezing ráw doesn't work. 
Reheáting: Best wáy is to blást in the oven for literálly 3 - 5 minutes át 200C/390F until it is just wármed through inside.
4. Nutrition per serving, ássuming this serves 3. Dip not included.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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