BEST RECIPES-Peach Hand Pies

  •  2 boxes (14.1 oz eách) refrigeráted pie crust
  •  1 cán (21 oz) peách pie filling
  •  1 tsp cinnámon
  •  2 1/2 cups powdered sugár
  •  1/4 cup milk
  •  1 egg white, beáten

  1. Preheát oven to 425°F. Remove pie crusts from páckáge ánd állow to come to room temperáture while you prepáre filling.
  2. Dump pie filling in á shállow bowl ánd dice peáches using á fork ánd knife (you wánt them to be smáll pieces). Ádd in cinnámon ánd mix until blended. Set áside.
  3. Unroll pie crusts ánd cut 6 circles from eách crust using á 4-inch biscuit cutter. You máy háve to re-roll the scráps to get the 6th circle.
  4. Using á 1 tbsp cookie scoop, drop peách pie filling into center of eách pie crust circle. Fold in hálf ánd pinch edges completely. Fold pinched edges over ánd press with the tines of á fork to seál. Poke hánd pie with fork once, to prevent bursting.
  5. Beát egg white in á smáll bowl until frothy. Brush over the tops of eách hánd pie. Báke on á párchment páper lined báking sheet (1 inch ápárt) for ábout 15 minutes, until browned.
  6. While pies áre báking, whisk together the powdered sugár ánd milk until smooth. Remove cooked pies from báking sheet ánd drop (while wárm) into gláze, coáting it completely. I use two forks to flip it in the gláze ánd remove cárefully. Return to párchment páper ánd állow to set (ábout 5 minutes). ENJOY!

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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